Car Pool or Chauffeur Moment??

Hello, My Friends…

Proud Mama Moment…we can’t stop our teenagers from drinking and hold their hands 24/7, keep them little and respectful and obedient and lavish us with hugs and slobbery kisses, as much as we’d love to. C’mon, the majority of us ‘back in the day’ had embellished ourselves with a drink (ok, beer) or three. It’s bound to happen to our kids…as much as we wish it wouldn’t. But if we’re honest with ourselves, honesty and keeping an open mind IS the BEST policy when talking to our teenagers. Hopefully, honesty and trust from them is what we’ll receive in return.

I’ve ALWAYS drilled into my girls at early pre-teen ages, now ages 17 and 15, no matter what, no matter where, no matter what time…CALL ME!! I’ve preached, nagged, begged, insert preferable verbal parental annoyance…DO NOT DRINK & DRIVE and DO NOT ENTER A VEHICLE OF SOMEONE WHO HAS BEEN DRINKING! Along with “Buckle Up, Buttercup” “Be Good” and “Be Safe”!

I got the call, ALMOST asleep. You never expect that call. I’ve never made that call. First, the feeling of fear swells, thinking something bad has happened, but hearing that cheery slurry voice on the other end calms those fears, turning to annoyance. Now what?? My oldest, Jacey attended a rodeo (attached to it, a campground) out-of-town, earlier in the evening, her friends drinking, she as the DD. My social butterfly walked from camp to camp, seeing and socializing with other kids she knew. Her group of ‘friends’ left her. Stranded. In a strange place where she’d never been. Pissed Mama. You have to understand, Crystal Springs is a “bowl” in the middle of a pasture, in the middle of nowhere, 25 miles from where we live in town, down two different highways and two different country backroads, but close to the small town of Clear Lake, SD, the town in which I was born. When she learned of their departure is when she started to drink alcoholic beverages. Happy and sleepy to say, I got a call at 1:30 AM to pick her up. No questions asked…I usually don’t have to, as she tells me everything.

Annoying?? Driving all that way and waiting for her to slowly meander her way toward the camping check-in, then driving another 25-30 miles and half hour home with her yackety-yacking…ABSOLUTELY! But so blessed she wasn’t afraid to call her mama in a pinch, and I got my baby girl home safe and sound! I thank GOD she didn’t get into a car with teens who’d been drinking, then deciding to drive. Thank GOD no one was hurt THIS TIME.

I feel compelled to share, knowing the stories out there with not-so-happy endings. Our kids DO listen to us; they talk to us. They’re living life as we once did. I just want to make a positive impression on my girls, let them know I’m ALWAYS here…no matter what, no matter where, no matter what time. No matter your ages, you’ll always be my little girls, picking you up, as I did in the car pool, even when in reality, I’m more of a chauffeur. And lastly, I will ALWAYS LOVE you both!

Just Me. ~Kasey
